"We take our strenght from civilization,
science and knowledge and proceed
according to it"
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
R&D Projects
Social Responsibility Projects
Student Projects
International Publications
National Publications
Oral&Poster Presentations
Administratives & Memberships
R & D Projects
2015 – Visiting Fellow – New Approaches to Eco House Design and Renewable Energy Applications in Sustainable Buildings, University of Nottingham Institute of Sustainable Energy, Nottingham, UK. TÜBİTAK - British Council Researcher Links Newton Katip Çelebi Fund
2014 – Researcher - Determinatıon of the Renewable Energy Sources Usage in The Greenhouses of Diyarbakır Province with Energy Simulation Technique, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development Karacadağ Development Agency Project No: 14 DFD 25, Diyarbakır.
2013 – Project Manager– SOLARES’13- Reducing Operational Cost of Agricultural Cooling Applications Using Resorption System in Orhangazi Region, Bursa Uludağ University Rectorate Scientific Research Projects, BAP 2013/42
2011 – Visiting Fellow – Trigeneration with Resorption Technology Stuttgart University Decentralized Energy Conversion Department, Stuttgart, Germany.
2010 – Visiting Fellow – Alternative System Design and Optimizing the System Parameters in Solar Cooling & Heating Applications, University of South Florida Clean Energy Research Center, FL, US.
2008 – Project Executive – SACHRA Solar Absorption in Cooling and Heating for Residential Application – Experimental Investigation of Domestic and Industrial Heat Pump S ystems Evsel ve Endüstriyel Isı Pompalarının Deneysel Analizi, Bursa Uludağ University Rectorate Scientific Research Projects,
Social Responsibility Projects
2014 – Advisor – Respect For Earth, Respect For Ourselves - European Union Comenius Program - Tuna Elementary School Orhangazi - Bursa
Student Projects
2015 – Advisor – TG 15 Solar Disabled Chair - Orhan B., Yüksel A.F., Tuncer U., Pastakkaya B., M 2015/02 BUU Energy Society R&D Projects, Bursa.
2015 – Advisor – Turtle- Uluray Solar Light Rail Vehicle, Özder T., Öztürk S., Turhan G., Adalılar S., Pastakkaya B., M 2015/03 BUU Energy Society R&D Projects, Bursa.
2013 – Advisor – Solar Drying Oven - Burhan G., Yiğitoğlu A., Ayar F., Koç A., Pastakkaya B., M 2015/02 BUU Energy Society R&D Projects, Bursa.
2012 – Advisor – Fırfır X Domestic Energy Production with Verticle Axis Wind Turbine - Burhan G., Yiğitoğlu A., Ayar F., Bursa M., Pastakkaya B., M 2012/01 BUU Energy Society R&D Projects, Bursa.
2012 – Advisor – Electrophorus- Solar Sea Bus- Arslan Ö.F., Şendil E., Gençöz M., Eğriboz B., Pastakkaya B., M2012/01 BUU Energy Society R&D Projects, Bursa.
2012 – Advisor – Uludag University Solar House- Türkoğlu D., Yüksel A.F., Topal E., Erengezgin Ç., Pastakkaya B., A2012/01 BUU Energy Society R&D Projects, Bursa.
International Publications (SCI&SCI-Exp.)
Pastakkaya B., Yamankaradeniz N., Kaynaklı Ö., Coşkun S., Yamankaradeniz R., Experimental analysis of a solar absorption system with interior energy storage Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 39-49 23 2012
Yamankaradeniz N.,K. Furkan Sökmen Coşkun S., Kaynaklı Ö., Pastakkaya B., Performance analysis of a re-circulating heat pump dryer, Thermal Science 2014
National Publications
Pastakkaya B., Investigation of the Use of Resorption Cooling Systems in Domestic and Industrial Applications, MMO Tesisat Mühendisliği Dergisi, 40-51, Vol. 188, January-February 2022.(in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Techno-Economic Analysis of a Renewable Energy Sourced Heating System for a Greenhouse Application, Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 31, Sayı 1, 9-22, 2017. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Yamankaradeniz R., Investıgation of a Solar Heat Pump for Air Conditioning of a Building with Simulation Technique of Engineer and Machinery, 30-37, Volume 56 - 666, July 2015.(in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., İşman M.K., Korukçu M.Ö., Yamankaradeniz R., Numerical analysis of a Heating&Cooling Application with a Solar Absorption Heat Pump for İzmir Region. TJournal of Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers, Volume 144, pp 11-22., 2014. (in Turkish).
Yamankaradeniz N., Coşkun S., Pastakkaya B., Can M., Experimental Analysis of the By-Pass Air Ratio Effect on the Drying Performance at the Heat Pump Assisted Dryer Systems., Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering Volume 17-2 pp17-35, 2012 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Yamankaradeniz R., Solar Assisted Absorption Systems for Heating and Cooling Applıcations, Journal of Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers, Volume 57 pp 25-32., 2008. (in Turkish)
Oral Presentations - International Congresses
Pastakkaya B., Analysis of the Supply of the Hospital Building’s Thermal Demands by Solar Energy with Simulation Technique in Pandemic Periods: The Example of Gaziantep State Hospital, ULIBTK'21 23rd Congress On Thermal Science and Technology with International Participation, 8-10 September Gaziantep. 2021. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Investigation of the Use of Resorptıon Coolıng Systems in Frigorific Vehicles. 9th International Automative Technologies Congress (OTEKON 2018) 7-8 May Bursa. 2018. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Techno-Economic Analyses of a Heating Application with Ground Sourced Heat Pump for a Sample Green House Application, 3nd International Congress of Agriculture and Environment (ICAE), November 16-18, Antalya, 2017 (in Turkish)
Ünlü K., Pastakkaya B., Renewable Energy Powered Resorption Cooling Systems in Agricultural Cooling Applications, 3nd International Congress of Agriculture and Environment (ICAE), November 16-18, Antalya, 2017 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Gürbüz O., Yaslıoğlu E., Gürbüz B., Kılıç İ., Renewable Energy Powered Resorption Cooling Systems, 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, 25-27 October, Adana, 2017.
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Investigation of a Cooling-Heating Application with Solar Absorption Heat Pump System for a Sample Building in Adana Region, 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, 25-27 October, Adana, 2017. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Gürbüz O., Yaslıoğlu E., Gürbüz B., Kılıç İ. Cold Storage Applications with Solar Resorption Cooling Systems, International Congress of the New Approaches and Technologies for Sustainable Development, 21st-24th of September, Isparta, 2017 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Gürbüz O., Yaslıoğlu E., Gürbüz B., Kılıç İ., Reduction in the Cost of Cooling in Cold Storage For Agricultural Products with Renewable Powered Resorption Cooling System, V. Inrenational Food R&D Project Bazaar, İzmir, 2017. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Cüce E., Cüce P.M., Cooling applications with renewable energy powered resorption systems, 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies – SET 2015, 25th - 27th of August 2015, Nottingham, UK, Vol II., pp.58-64. Nottingham, 2015.
Oral Presentations - National Congresses
Pastakkaya B., Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Performance of a Natural Gas Fired Combi Boiler with Radiant Floor Heating Application in a Building, 15. National HVAC&R Congress İzmir, 2023. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Investigation of the Use of Resorption Cooling Systems in Domestic and Industrial Applications, 14. National HVAC&R Congress İzmir, 2019. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B. Industrial Cooling Applications with Waste Heat Powered Resorption Cooling System, IV. Energy Efficiency Congress, 13-14 October, Kocaeli, 2017. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Investigation of Heating&Cooling Performance of a Solar Absorption Heat Pump System for Different Degree Day Zones, 13. National HVAC&R Congress İzmir, 2017. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Techno-Economic Analysis of a Renewable Energy Sourced Heating System for a Greenhouse Application, I. National Biosystems Engineering Congress, Bursa 2015. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Yamankaradeniz R., Investigation of a Heating&Cooling Application with Solar Heat Pump System for a Sample Building by Simulation Technique. 12. National HVAC&R Congress İzmir, 2015. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., İşman M.K., Korukçu M.Ö., Yamankaradeniz R., Numerical analysis of a Heating&Cooling Application with a Solar Absorption Heat Pump for İzmir Region. pp 1301-1312 Volume 2, 11. National HVAC&R Congress, İzmir, 2013. (in Turkish)
İşman M.K., Korukçu M.Ö., Pastakkaya B., Yüksel N., The Numerical Investigation of Temperature Distribution in Thermal Bridges , pp 397-406 Volume1, 11. National HVAC&R Congress, İzmir, 2013. (in Turkish)
Korukçu M.Ö.,Pastakkaya B., İşman M.K., Numerical Analysis of the Use of Different Air Velocity for Heating and Cooling Period in an Automobile Cabin pp. 2011-2022 Volume 2, 11. National HVAC&R Congress, İzmir, 2013. (in Turkish)
Korukçu M.Ö., İşman M.K., Pastakkaya B., Numerical Investigation of Thermal Comfort of a Floor Heated and Ventilated Office Building Under Different Air Velocity Values, pp. 1997-2008 Volume 2, 11. National HVAC&R Congress, İzmir, 2013. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B.,İşman M.K., Korukçu M.Ö., Yamankaradeniz R., Numerical analysis of a Heating&Cooling Application with Solar Energy for a Sample Residence in Samsun Region,133, 13th National Thermal Sciences and Technology Congress ULIBTK 13, Samsun, 2013. (in Turkish)
İşman M.K., Korukçu M.Ö., Pastakkaya B., Yüksel N., Can M. Evaluation of Turbulence Models in CPU Times for Impinging Air Jet Case 76, 13th National Thermal Sciences and Technology Congress ULIBTK 13, Samsun, 2013. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Yamankaradeniz N., Coşkun S., Yamankaradeniz R., DHeating&Cooling Application with Absorption Heat Pump with Interior Energy Storage, İKSES'12 National Air Conditioning&Cooling Education Symposium Balıkesir, pp. 163-175 2012. (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Yamankaradeniz N., Coşkun S. Experimental Analysis of Solar Powered Absorption Heat Pump for Cooling of the Buildings, İklim 2011 National Air Conditioning Congress, Antalya,2011. (in Turkish)
Poster Presentations
Pastakkaya B., Riffat S., Innovative Greenhouse Designs for Agricultural Applications, SET 2022 – The 19th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 16 – 18 August, Istanbul, Turkey 2022
Pastakkaya B., Riffat S., A Candidate for an Unique Eco-Zone Ovoc’s Yeniköy Campus, SET 2022 – The 19th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 16 – 18 August, Istanbul, Turkey 2022
Pastakkaya B., Riffat S., Innovative Energy Applications in Sustainable Structures, Bursa Uludağ University, V. R&D Days, Bursa -Türkiye 2016 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Renewable Energy Powered Thermal Applications in Food Industry, Bursa Uludağ University, IV. R&D Days, Bursa-Türkiye 2014 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Gürbüz O., Yaslıoğlu E., Gürbüz İ.B., Kılıç İ., Yamankaradeniz R., Peil S., Helle K., Burhan G.,Cüce E., Cüce P.M., Solar Powered Agricultural Cooling Technologies R&D Laboratory SOLARES, Bursa Uludağ University, IV. R&D Days, Bursa-Türkiye 2014 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Gürbüz O., Yaslıoğlu E., Gürbüz İ.B., Ünlü K., Kılıç İ., Yamankaradeniz R.,D Investigation of Reducing Operational Cost of Agricultural Cooling Applications Using Resorption System in Orhangazi Region U.Ü. Bursa Uludağ University, III R&D Days, Bursa-Türkiye 2013 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Advanced Cooling Applications with Resorption Cooling Systems, Bursa Uludağ University, II. R&D Days, Bursa-Türkiye 2012 (in Turkish)
Pastakkaya B., Yamankaradeniz N., Coşkun S., Kaynaklı Ö., Experimental Analysis of Solar Cooling System for Bursa Region, Bursa Uludağ University, I R&D Days, Bursa-Türkiye 2011.(in Turkish)
Keynote Speaker - Pastakkaya B., A Novel Renewable Powered Resorption Cooling System for Cold Storage of
the Pharmaceutical Products, Chemistry Conference 2023, June 10-11, 2023, London, UK.
Eco Designs for Sustainable Life - 9 March 2016 BUÜ Energy Society - Orhangazi Governorship Hall - Bursa
Renewable Energy &Sustainable Life - 14 May 2012 BUÜ Energy Society - Orhangazi Governorship Hall - Bursa
Participant - Pastakkaya B., Ünlü K., Biogas Powered Resorption Trigeneration System, 2nd International Workshop of Composting and Biogas Technologies (IWCB), November 16-18, Antalya, 2017 (in Turkish)
Participant - Pastakkaya B., Renewable Energy Applications for Cooling of the Eco-Buildings, Renewable Energy Technology: Future, Opportunity, and Challenges for the UK and Turkey Workshop, Istanbul, 2016.
Chair - Pastakkaya B., Renewable&Clean Energy Workshop - U.Ü. TTO Bursa, 2014.
Participant - Pastakkaya B., Solar Cooling & Heating in Residential Applications, Novel Energy and Biotechnology Developments in the Sustainable Built Environment Workshop, Istanbul, 2014.
Keynote Speaker - Pastakkaya B., Solar Energy Applications and Ultimate Technologies for Agricultural Production) IMAC International Mesopotamia Agriculture Congress, Use of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Simulation Technique in The Greenhouses of Diyarbakır Province Workshop , Diyarbakır, 2014
Keynote Speaker - Pastakkaya B., Ex Oriente Lux- Quest for the Alternative, Energy Workshop, Institut für Thermodynamik und Wärmetechnik (ITW), Universität Stuttgart., 2013.
Seminars & Panels
Future's Energy & Energy's Future - 18 March 2019 BUÜ Orhangazi YAC Vocational College - Bursa
Energy and Ecology - 9 February 2018 BUÜ Orhangazi YAC Vocational College - Bursa
Administrates& Memberships
Head of Machine and Metal Tech. Dept. - 2021 ... Bursa Uludag University OYAC Vocational College
Project Administration Coordinator - 2019 - ... Bursa Uludag University OYAC Vocational College
Vice Manager- 2013/2016 Bursa Uludag University OYAC Vocational College
Vice President - 2016 / ... Orhangazi University Erection&Sustentation Association